Scientific articles about the Earthquake Network project
- Massoda Tchoussi, F.Y. and Finazzi, F. (2023) A statistical methodology for classifying earthquake detections and for earthquake parameter estimation in smartphone-based earthquake early warning systems. Front. Appl. Math. Stat. 9:1107243.
- Finazzi, F., Bondár, I., Bossu, R. and Steed, R. (2022) A Probabilistic Framework for Modeling the Detection Capability of Smartphone Networks in Earthquake Early Warning. Seismological Research Letters. DOI: 10.1785/0220220213.
- Fallou, L., Finazzi, F. and Bossu, R. (2021) Efficacy and Usefulness of an Independent Public Earthquake Early Warning System: A Case Study—The Earthquake Network Initiative in Peru. Seismological Research Letters. 93: 827–839.
- Bossu, R., Finazzi, F., Steed, R., Fallou, L. and Bondár, I. (2021) “Shaking in 5 seconds!” A Voluntary Smartphone-based Earthquake Early Warning System. Seismological Research Letters. 93: 137–148.
- Finazzi, F. (2020) The Earthquake Network Project: A Platform for Earthquake Early Warning, Rapid Impact Assessment, and Search and Rescue. Front. Earth Sci. 8:243.
- Finazzi, F. (2020) Fulfilling the information need after an earthquake: statistical modelling of citizen science seismic reports for predicting earthquake parameters in near realtime. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society). 183: 857–882.
- Finazzi, F. and Fassò, A. (2017) A statistical approach to crowdsourced smartphone-based earthquake early warning systems. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess 31: 1649–1658.
- Finazzi, F. (2016) How a smartphone network detects earthquakes in real time. Significance, 13: 6–7.
- Finazzi, F. (2016) The Earthquake Network Project: Toward a Crowdsourced Smartphone‐Based Earthquake Early Warning System. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 106(3): 1088–1099.
Scientific articles related to the Earthquake Network project
- Finazzi, F. and Fassò, A. (2020) The impact of the Covid‐19 pandemic on Italian mobility. Significance. 17: 17-18.
- Quantifying personal exposure to air pollution from smartphone‐based location data. Biometrics. 75: 1356-1366. . (2019)
- Finazzi, F. and Paci, L. (2019) Kernel-based estimation of individual location densities from smartphone data. Statistical Modelling.